Updated July 19, 2023

In the last few weeks residents in the northernmost waterside block have been meeting for a drink and a chat at 4 pm most days to enjoy the setting sun. We have been sitting on folding chairs next to our letter boxes. With many humorous chats it would be fair to say it has raised our spirits, and we have had varying attendances with up to 8 out of the 20 or so residents. We highly recommend this to other blocks in our village.

These gatherings have raised the issue of what our block should be called so we can easily refer to it in casual conversation and name the WhatsApp group we use to remind us that the tea/coffee bell is ringing. Since I created the group in a hurry I used the boring name of Bridge Block which did not find favour. My next attempt was Lower Creek Manor along with many amusing names, some extreme, from others in our block. The current name in WhatsApp is ‘The Best End’!

However, this raises the question of how we should refer to the various collections of residences within our village. I am surprised this issue has not be raised long ago. Obviously we all need a say in any naming convention and the Residents Committee should be involved along the way, and may be the management might also be involved.

This then is my tentative naming scheme offered for your discussion. Names and groupings of residences are all up for changing. All views and comments are welcome of course, and you may also feel no scheme at all is needed.

CyGar Community Names.png

Michael Rees

Updated July 19, 2023